Milwaukee M18 Fuel HD Impact Combo Kit Unboxing

3December 2021

guys and girls welcome back to the channel today 
i'm going to do a quick unboxing of the new   milwaukee m18 fuel 1 inch impact with d handle 
drive this particular unit comes with a couple   of batteries and a charger this is model 2868 
22 hd so without further ado let's get started   okay so let's get started here let's get this 
unboxed and see what comes with oh wow all right   this is heavy pretty nice look here look at 
the back nice bag huh embroidered milwaukee   name on it heavy duty it's got some pockets 
on it all right so let's unzip this and see   oh yeah this these the edge of this has 
like a frame around it so it keeps the   keeps it rigid there so it looks like it comes 
with some instructions and operators manual as you can see in here it's it's packed very well 
so it's got a lot of good thick cardboard packing let's get the actual tool itself out i got this this is a 
big boy this impact wrench will definitely   do the job this thing weighs about just the just 
the impact wrench alone um weighs about 22 pounds   without a battery on it look at that is that not 
a horse look at look at this ring this rings for   a shoulder strap that gives you some kind of idea 
how uh heavy this is you know to use this you know   you can use these on 18 wheeler wheels removing 
and changing flats heavy-duty trucks and stuff   this is a brushless motor so this is a brushless 
tool here anyway let's go on and see what other   parts come with it okay so it looks like it 
comes with a milwaukee fast charger there and looks like some more instructions 
put that over there take these out and some i'm guessing these 
are probably the batteries okay so i've got the batteries out here they've 
got them in ziploc baggies here so to protect them   now this this is a heavy-duty 12-0 battery now this is a horse here buddy 
uh and and you know check it out pops right on you notice it has the led lights right here in 
the end of it so that uh if you're using it at   night you lights up the work area i really love 
that that's great the nice rubber handle here and   it looks like you can uh it has an adjustment 
here on the side so you can loosen this and   i guess it just is to remove it i 
thought maybe it moved the handle   left and right but it doesn't it just 
is like a a ring that goes around the   frame of the actual impact wrench here 
so i'm going to tighten it back up and get that like that all right and it 
does come with uh two of the batteries take this one out and you can see it's a quick slide and i 
thought maybe i don't know if i missed it   i thought maybe it might have come with a 
strap but it doesn't look like it dead um okay well no strap but you get you 
could definitely uh make a strap   or get your own strap to hold that 
it's pretty heavy like i said another   feature here i wanted to show you 
is on the top here it has a switch that locks it so that you if you're carrying 
around you actually pull the trigger it won't   uh you know won't go off on you and 
then you got a forward and a reverse   and then the middle is the lock it also if you 
look right down here on the handle you have   some different power stages one two three four 
that you can set it with and you see uh one two   three four this is like the button that changes 
the you know how much torque it is on it   um and then you know the batteries amount directly 
here on the fast charger just slide right on and   let me slide that off that's the first time there 
you go it just sits like that nice and and uh and   guys this uh this unit here um you know has two 
thousand foot pounds of uh nut busting torque to   it uh it has 1900 pounds of tightening torque 
on it uh like i said this is this is a bad boy   right here uh you know this is not something that 
everybody use but it can be used in construction   and or you know for heavy equipment operators 
uh that you know use a lot of of uh heavy duty   bolts one one and a quarter inch this has got a 
one inch drive on the end of it with the d-ring   uh really like that um you know with something 
as heavy duty as this there's no compressor   needed no hoses to drag around so uh like i 
said you can take that thing out in the yard   it does have some software that you can 
download a mobile app and or you can download   you can go to the web milwaukee's website 
and there's a site where you can do some   different management of this tool and track it and 
make sure that you know you'll know who's using   it and how long it's been used uh and i'm going 
to show you some of that later on in the video okay so i wanted to show you milwaukee's a little 
short clip on how to set up your one key for the   milwaukee heavy-duty one-inch impacts so let's 
take a look here welcome to one key in this video   we'll show you how to add a nearby one key enabled 
device to get started log in to one key to add a   one key enabled tool to your inventory you will 
first need to make sure that the tool is connected   to an m18 battery and is within 30 to 50 feet of 
your mobile device from the main menu open your   inventory dashboard select add item tap nearby 
devices to pull up a list of one key enabled tools   if you're having trouble finding your tool tap 
the tool image to activate the light on the tool you can also use the serial number 
on your tool for reference to make   sure you add the correct tool into your inventory   select the description of the tool to load 
all of the information applying to that tool   from here fill in the information that applies to 
you be sure to save your changes when you're done   you have now successfully added a one 
key enabled tool to your inventory   to learn more visit one key butter again

As found on YouTube