2.Automotive Workshop Hand And Power Tools – Types Of Drill

21December 2021

this is a portable drill this one has a cord you 
have to plug into an electrical supply cordless   models use their own internal batteries when 
you can't bring the work to the drill you can   take this drill to the work but don't expect 
it to put large holes through very hard metal   the biggest drill bit that'll fit in the Chuck 
here is usually marked on the body of the drill   along with the speeds at which it turns there 
are usually two speeds but some drills can be   set to any speed within their range a bench 
mounted drill allows accurate drilling with   more control more so than a portable drill 
which is convenient but can be difficult to   guide accurately a mounted drill can feed the 
drill bit at a controlled rate and the work   table secures the job at a constant angle to the 
drill bit also this drill can be set to run at   different drilling speeds this drill chuck 
takes bits up to 13 millimeters in diameter drill-bits come in many closely-spaced sizes the 
most common is the twist drill it has a point and   a body usually with two spiral grooves and it's 
shank is gripped in the jaws of the drill Chuck a Morse taper is a system for securing drills 
Morse taper size changes according to drill   size the shank of the drill bit is tapered 
and it fits snugly into the drill spindle   which has a similar taper this tang is also 
located in the spindle and it drives the   drill it's a quick way to change drills 
without constantly adjusting the Chuck when there's already a hole drilled 
in sheet metal that needs enlarging a   multi fluted tapered hole drill will do 
the job in about the same time it takes   to say it a drilling speed chart should 
be kept near the bench or pedestal drill   it compares drill sizes and metals to show 
the proper speed so to drill a 10 millimeter   hole through this piece of aluminium the 
drill speed should be 1,800 revs per minute

As found on YouTube

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